12 Easy Homemade Musical Instruments for Children to Make
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This craft is a modern version of a Japanese instrument called a kokiriko or bin zasara made of rope and wood. Design a musical instrument that meets all of our needs. It’s a very fun and creative activity that will also help your kids develop a sense of rhythm. Another super simple diy instrument are these adorable knitted ankle bells.
ID Kids has the tutorial to make these – all you need are toilet rolls and tissue paper and a bunch of usual craft supplies you likely already have. This tambourine from Kids Craft Room not just sounds delightful, it looks great as well! The painting is a good exercise in concentration and patience and the bells give it that lovely sound.
Can Drums
I think this is a more advanced version of the comb and waxed paper of my youth. Then we’d recommend trying out something quick and easy, like this Easter egg and plastic spoon maracas featured onFun 365! They’ll even keep the kids busy after the crafting process thanks to the fun sound they make. I do believe that the kids can have as much fun making the instruments and playing them.
Although I think the only musical instrument in my childhood was waxed paper over a comb. Make these fun ankle bells for your child or grandchild; the kids will love them. This project does require knitting, but it's a fairly straightforward and simple craft for anyone with a ball of wool and knitting needles.
Introducing Kids to Music with DIY Instruments
Be sure to save your paper tubes so you'll have enough of them when you start making musical instruments. Everyone in the family will want to be part of this band. Rain sticks, or rain makers, are a fun and creative craft—these actually sound like falling rain!

After your child strings the pony beads and jingle bells, carefully take it from him and secure the ends together as a tight knot. Making an elastic band harp can be a fun activity for a rainy day. It's also educational, and you probably have most of the materials already at hand. In North India, ankle bells were made of leather or cloth pads, but these Ghungroo, styled by Kid World Citizen, are made of felt.
Thread the beads onto the string, tie another knot at the end, and cut off any excess string. Gather a variety of materials from around the house to make the instruments. We used the materials included in theMaking Music Educational Kitsand a few extras. Sprinkle some grains of rice on top of the plastic wrap. The fastest way to make a small homemade guitar is by using a matchbox.

You can find the instructions for making this small homemade xylophone here. This electrical tubing xylophone is a fantastic diy idea. So, your goal is to increase the pressure in a water bottle and allow the air to go out through the tube. As the name suggests, this bottle cap noise maker can produce a lot of sound. You can find the whole process of making glass hand bells here.
Recycled Wood Xylophone- Make homemade instruments with different pitches
Even if you make the perfect synthetic urine, it’s going to cost you a lot more than buying high-quality, ready-made synthetic urine. Plus, you’ve still got to overcome the biggest reason why people fail a urine sample drug test. You’ll also need a very clean bottle to store in (you’ll need some sterilizing tablets or liquid to make sure it’s clean). Plus, you’ll need a lab grade container for mixing, a pH meter, or at the very least pH indicator paper, and a urinometer. On top of all that, you will need a very accurate microscale. Fun instruments for you and your kids to make at home.
While the glue dries, cut a length of around 50 cm of any colored string. Take the matchsticks, and cut them to about 2 cm in length. To begin with the making of the drums, remove the top lid of the cans using a safety can opener. It means a lot to me to get a comment from a music teacher.
You’ll have to stick cardboard to a plastic noisemaker with masking tape, place the tubes inside each other, and wrap the tubes with masking tape. This diy tambourine stick is a budget-friendly homemade instrument that is also very fun to make. These homemade musical shakers are very fun and easy to make. However, the useful tip is to sew bells to the strap by hand so they don’t fall off when your kid starts to shake it. You’ll need a cardboard tube , balloons, scissors, elastic bands, and pencils.

The different lengths of the straws make different tones. Use a hole punch or pencil to cut holes around the edge of the plate. Cut sections of yarn three inches long (as many sections of yarn as bells you'd like to use). I have a little two-year-old granddaughter who loves to dance and make noise. These bright and beautiful maracas are made using colorful plastic eggs. Make a drawing of your shape on the template and note which sides have low, medium, and high pitch.
Next, place a strip of paper between both sticks and secure together using a rubber band at each end. Now insert a toothpick in between both the rubber band rings, with one lying above the paper and the other below the paper. Get the kids to decorate the toilet roll tube how they like it, leave it to dry, and then punch a hole about 1cm from the end of the cardboard. To make your very own set of musical chimes, you’ll need a stick or ruler, some string, some metal washers, glue, nail polish, and a spoon. Next cut a guitar shape out of a piece of cardboard, making sure to include a hole for the bucket and elastic bands to fit behind.
Then you’ll need to add the handles using a bolt or something else. The best way to get your kids’ attention is to make an instrument that they’ll use later. Then dab a bit of glue onto the jagged edge of the bottle tops and place onto both inside surfaces of the cardboard, so that they hit against each other when the card closes.
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